Pretty close except for mint julip is a lighter, paler green, kermit green is brighter and deeper. There is noticable difference. At the stage in my life when I painted it, I loved Sandmans and it was my second, but didn't fully appreciate retaining the original features. I preferred the HX/Z look and opted for the black outs around the windows and had the intent to put HX decals. Built a 308 (opposed to the factory 253) and put a T350 in. Now I much older and wiser (apparantly...) I would have kept as per plates and factory. One of my most favorite photos is when about 12 of us physically lifted the body off the chassis and rolled the chassis out. Just about burst a pooper valve then I can tell you. The hardest part wasn;t the lifting, it was holding it up then having to shuffle your feet outwards so they didn't get run over when the chassis was rolled out. Ah, those were the days!! Jeza