It has been a long time coming for all the hard working folks in the club. Sacrificing time & money to get us in a great position to be able to offer quality merch, vehicle registration in Victoria on the club plate scheme, social get togethers, cruises etc etc
Just making all the forum folks aware that we are here... and up and running.
Much thanks goes to Blocker for getting the ball roilling with the Charter.....champion effort.
Bill, Jeza, Hainzy, Davestown, JB, and others make it a bloody great club.....humble people with a generous nature. is a link to the club website....have a look around....see if it interests you to join as any help keeps the forum up and running....seeing as the club has purchased the forum.
We are all like minded Sandman help us become a successful club
Heres a selection of merch available at the moment....looking at expanding the line soon