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Thread: Sinbox down..

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    hopefully greg got you back on the road.....

    ive heard of camera shy greg but thats a bit extreme.... or is that your best angle

  2. #22
    Cruiser the ski man's Avatar
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    Thank god (or your chosen religious idol) you were only going at a slow speed and were able to stay put.

    when my van was my daily the drivers side popped out while i was waiting at the traffic lights and the car sustained no damage until the tow truck arrived and had to winch the van up onto the tray, that was when the front guard got bent out of shape.

    a very very lucky day by the sounds of it as it could have been so much worse.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    a set of spring compressors... a new ball joint (if required) ... im guessing greg had you back on the road inside an hour?

  4. #24
    Forum Mum jennie285's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hqgts View Post
    a set of spring compressors... a new ball joint (if required) ... im guessing greg had you back on the road inside an hour?
    Rodney put new nuts and split pins in them both, and hammered the bent steering arm....Greg supplied the nuts still very thankful we were so close to him when it happened....
    HZ Jasmine Yellow Windowless Sandman, now being driven everywhere and is finished!
    HZ Madeira Red Windowless sandman now Sold to Bigrob
    HX Mandarin Red Sandman Ute finished, and club registered
    1979 HZ malachite windowless van with 308 5spd, all chromed up and shiny finished and named "The Player"
    Married to RodneyHZ253

  5. #25
    Decal Demon stickthis's Avatar
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    chinease ball joints. Terrible things.

    Agree Jen it can be as simple as a loose nut that starts it off. Nyloc nut balljoints. Stay very very very clear of them.
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    VR SS into a VS Supercar Castrol Perkins Ingall 1997 Tribuilte build

  6. #26
    When I got the van I replaced the balljoints,And would you believe in less than 2000ks one of them is rooted,So I replace both with a better brand(reccomended by a garage)As they have had problems with the ones I had put on.

    Cheers Kiwivan
    It is not about the journey,It is the style we travel in!

  7. #27
    It's a rockin' Robbo's Avatar
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    Lucky indeed, considering the distance that had just been travelled.
    "Proud To Be An Old Fart".

  8. #28
    Certifiable ozbox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stickthis View Post
    chinease ball joints. Terrible things.

    Agree Jen it can be as simple as a loose nut that starts it off. Nyloc nut balljoints. Stay very very very clear of them.
    the ball joints are good and dont appear to be chinese... it was a castle nut with split pin style the same as just tore the nut off..we just put another nut on and a new split pin and away they went...

    --- Updated ---

    Quote Originally Posted by hqgts View Post
    a set of spring compressors... a new ball joint (if required) ... im guessing greg had you back on the road inside an hour?
    al...a trolley jack under the control arm to compress it and realign the ball joint with the stub axle and away she goes...didnt need a ball joint,just a new nut..

    --- Updated ---

    Quote Originally Posted by hqgts View Post
    hopefully greg got you back on the road.....

    ive heard of camera shy greg but thats a bit extreme.... or is that your best angle
    i was in a hurry to get the nut back on before a car or truck came around the corner..thats why the commodore ute is in the middle of the intersection .... red road block..

    --- Updated ---

    Quote Originally Posted by jennie285 View Post
    On our recent roadtrip, we called in to see Oz at the wreckers, and get a couple more bits etc. and on our way back from collecting our lunch...we rounded the corner and ground to a halt....


    thankfully it was just in the street 500metres away from Ozwreck....could have been potentially devasting, had we been on a freeway or anywhere going more than 60km/hour

    everyone note the white mark on the road..this is where the lower control arm tears up the hotmix....
    sinbox was going no quicker than rod n jen but i geuss its coz they have been kissed by a fairy and i havent...i couldnt friggin believe that there was no damage...

  9. #29
    Leadfoot HZ EVIE's Avatar
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    Glad to hear that there wasn't any damage (major). As you said it was lucky that you were only going slow.
    After all the hard work you've done on your Sandy too. :crikey:
    79 HZ XX7 308 Windowless Van . Driving with a big grin. A few little finishing touches required

  10. #30
    It's a rockin' playwme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozbox View Post
    sinbox was going no quicker than rod n jen but i geuss its coz they have been kissed by a fairy and i havent.
    If you're quick you could probably get down to Oxford St before all the Fairy's go home.

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