So to finish off the last trip first.

I left Cape Trib heading south, no real plans on where to stay or see, stopped in at Port Douglas and Palm Cove for a quick look, I liked Palm Cove more, Port Douglas has always felt to rich for my taste.

It was raining again, I had thought of camping at Tully Gorge, got near there early in the day and looked up white water rafting tours but ended up driving past.

Started taking photos of Hinchinbrook Island just south of Tully at a tiny National Park I found by chance, just saw a sign and pulled off the road.

Top little park, right on the beach, looks like it does not get many visitors, no camping but I reckon if you were quiet you'd get away with it.

Stopped at Caldwell by the beach just to take more photos of the Island

Then a kinda hidden lookout off the highway just south of Caldwell, well worth the stop and short walk

These might be some of my favourite photos from the whole trip

If I didn't know about all the Crocs and Stingers in that water I might call it paradise, reminds me a little of Jurassic Park