Quote Originally Posted by stickthis View Post

Eucalyptus Oil is great for removing sticky crap!
Very true. I dunno what it does to auto paint, I'll defer to Jase's experience on that.

Some may find it interesting to know that whilst it is a "natural" product (distilled simply from Eucy leaves - year 9 science project for many back in the day), distilled Eucalyptus oil is also apparently a fairly severe neuro-toxin when inhaled.

As I understand it, this has come to light after people have got themselves into trouble inhaling it in steam to try and cure a snotty head flu - this is now apparently 'on the spectrum'.

So if used in bulk, perhaps normal breathing mask etc is worth considering.

I mean.. how much can a koala bear?

This post is obviously more for general interest regarding Eucalyptus oil, but I thought, I dunno, its interesting knowledge, came from my GP, probably worth a post.