gts rims or the correct name is rally 2...these wheels were made for use on pontiacs and there is heaps of different ones..i will be putting pics up of the australian made rims and explaining the differences later but first i am pinching this link from a pontiac site so you can get an idea how many variants there is..note that the 5 inch stud diameter is for what the yanks call large cars..
canadian rim pictures with date codes...these rims are not correct for any sandmans that are having a correct restoration done..
the early Canadian rally wheels are quite different than the Aussie made ones.
The Canadian pressings are quite defined and sharp compered to the Aussie ones.
There construction technique is different.
The quickest way to pick them is with the tyre removed they have huge spot welds as aganst the Aussie ones that are stitched welded from the back.
Also an original Canadian rim is painted Grey on the inside and also on inner side of the rim.
thanks go to scott from concourse parts for letting me steal his hard work and pics.....
aussie or roh rim pics to come..