Gentlemen....... just putting the feelers out to give Justin a hand and to get you guys to put some of your ideas forward.

The more i look into it, the more i realise how many options are available to us. The options are almost endless.

I'll start with what i think would be cool...everyone join in with ideas

Lets start with clothing.
Tshirts, male & female
Screen printed or embroided.....choice is yours.

Bottle openers
How appropriate is this? White board with the club logo would be really cool!!
Heres the link if youre interested.

I think these are a cheap easy option.....everyone uses them Heaps of styles and capacities available

Could be just the club logo or whatever else we feel is appropriate

These would be great if we are going with the family membership. Or handing them out to kids on cruise and charity days. And really, who the hell doesnt like balloons

Mugs & Glasses
Coffe mugs
Beer steins
Shot glasses......or all the above.....opinions??

Business cards
This may be a bit wanky, but easy to hand out to people that would take them to the website and the forum

Bill and I come up with the idea of yearly patches. New one each year of membership. Colour change and year of membership. Could be part of membership or renewal.

Not really a merch item, but lets face it, on a cruise day or car show, everyone gets burnt to a crisp. You can walk around for so long until youre buggered and want a spot in the shade to chill out. Foldable, custom printing and we have a comfortable place to relax. Can get the club logo and the forum logo printed on the outside. On quick look, theyre about $1500......just putting it out there.

Now, there are heaps of other things we could get if you have any specific wants or ideas.....shout it out!!