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Thread: Slowly making a start on my new hz xx7 project

  1. #71
    Major repairs done. And I've painted that black eurothane based rust sealer in every spot I could get to. A very messy job but it has to be done.
    Bare metalled the roof, the fire wall and rear section around tail lights. Got some etch primer on and 2 coats of 2k primer for a guide coat.... More sanding soon.

    And I also got my air cleaner stickers

    I hope these aren't expensive .......damn dog!!
    We can restore cars back to original. But we can't restore originality.

  2. #72
    Night Rider Vombil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Western Suburbs
    nice dog! looks the goods dude. i like your set up. nice shed to push out of into the sunlight or take the middle road with the patio. good shit!

  3. #73
    Lol yeah only push it out because of my shoe box I'm working in. When I'm sanding my elbows hit the walls.... Nah joking it not that bad. just snugg
    but we could all use a bigger shed couldn't we???
    We can restore cars back to original. But we can't restore originality.

  4. #74
    Moderator Alien DNA's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Melbourne, Australia
    i have a labrador.....seems to only chew expensive items

  5. #75

    I finally got a weekend off to work on the pano. All the major repairs to the body are done.
    I've just gotta do the roof and then some wet sanding.
    Any progress is good progress I guess
    We can restore cars back to original. But we can't restore originality.

  6. #76

    Done the repairs on the rad support. It needed a fair bit of new metal in it.
    And I'm also about to have a go at the upper tailgate. I've pretty much got a very rust straight one and a dented up slightly rusted one. Prob doing a cut n shut with both of them.
    We can restore cars back to original. But we can't restore originality.

  7. #77

    We can restore cars back to original. But we can't restore originality.

  8. #78
    It's a rockin' Big Rob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Eurobodalla NSW South Coast
    Big job, but you seem to be handling it well. A credit to you considering your small workspace....
    Vans.... This is the 2nd time round the block, 40 years later! talk about turning back the clock!

  9. #79

    Ok so my Christmas involved panel beating done all the front panels. Still gotta do a wet guide coat. Small progress but getting shit done.👍🏻🍺😅
    I've also painted the radiator support.
    We can restore cars back to original. But we can't restore originality.

  10. #80
    It's a rockin' Robbo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sunshine Coast
    Good on you, progress is progress. You are doing a great Job.
    "Proud To Be An Old Fart".

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