Gentlemen, a sad day indeed, I just watched someone else drive off in MY sandman. He did pay for it though, so the police will not be involved. It was a dream to restore, drive and enjoy my sandman, and as all my mates at work told me, I'll probably regret it. BUT as I previously mentioned, I'm moving to a house with no garage, and I'll not let pissed fools destroy this piece of Australian History.

I've not been an overly active forum member, more reading than posting, but I was here to learn, and that I did. I learnt that HK1837 should write a book, that amount of knowledge should be put down on paper, if there is enough paper available.

For those interested I got $24K for the van, coming very close to the amount invested. A young surfer guy is going to continue the restoration, and do a road-trip across Aus in it. Brilliant I think, using the van for what I imagine it was designed for.

Anyway, thanks for the input and sharing of knowledge, I'll be back one day....
