Curious to know what most people on here consider to be a full restoration in regards to the process, see many ads for cars for sale and starts of in description with full resto but when you read into it becomes clear that many people have a different interpretation of what a full resto is, myself I dont consider a paint job and new set of seat covers to quite cut it. To the extreme their are guys that do the full nut and bolt replacement, these days if I was buying a car that has been portrayed as having a full restoration I would thinking in my head it has been off the chassis, chassis blasted repainted new brakes, suspension and front end components. Motor , gearbox, diff and reconditioned including new components such as starter, alternator, carbie etc etc. Electrical also at the very least tidied up if not replaced and should also go without saying full bare metal respray including engine bay & underbody and all interior replaced or in excellent condition same with wheels and chrome work etc. I just think there a lot of ads out there that are misleading or the sellers really have a different spin on what a full resto is my thoughts anyway but if people expect top dollar for that particular model they are selling I would what all the above ticked off.