Posted in the Shoutbox today was an introduction by user "John Evens" that may be of interest to some.

"Hi Guys and gals! Well this marks a new chapter for me ,I have avoided forums in the past but now with the resurgence in panel vanning I thought i would re introduce myself and announce that I going back to the seventies and starting a new division of Racepaint called "the Sandman Clinic"
We will be offering restorations,sandman decals ,made on the premises, and basicly any thing that you want done to your panel van! I might even break out the airbrush and do some old school murals if required.
Any questions that you may have in regards to my old van Tangerine dream or the Easy rollers or Freedom machine i will be more than happy to answer if I can part the foggy seventies that still exists somewhere in my grey matter!
I will be posting up a stack of old school pics that i have and some current resto's that we are doing at present "

Here is a link to their custom paint site.
