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Thread: Is there a likely solution?

  1. #1
    Sandman Driver Gaddy's Avatar
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    Is there a likely solution?

    So with the Middle East in almost complete civil war with itself I asked my self How can this be solved?

    After trawling the webs for some history on it I came across this easy to follow article!

    They are all doomed it seems!!


  2. #2
    Sandman Driver davegmh's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    No. Never has been never will be.
    Disclaimer: I am not an expert.

  3. #3
    Moderator Alien DNA's Avatar
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    What a miserable scenario. No idea what the solution is, but I wish it would stop. Its quite heartbreaking seeing people treating each other with such hate and malice. All sides are wrong. And i think its too late for reasoning and sensibility to halt all the violence. Very sad.

  4. #4
    Sandman Driver damienengland's Avatar
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    All hatred stems firstly from a difference of opinion (eg: religion, race, politics or economics), then encouraged by mental rigidity, it is eventually fuelled to aggression by fear, ignorance and belligerence. It doesn't matter if its neighbours arguing, race riots or armed conflict, the source is always the same.

    In my opinion the world is marching quickly towards WW3, as conflict and bellicose are escalating in all parts of the world. Its like two school bullies spoiling for a fight, nothing will stop them, you just got to let it happen.

    Looking at armed conflict history, it seems to me that only massive blood letting actually calms the world down for periods.

    Its a shame really

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Sandman Driver hainzy's Avatar
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    Its a basket case over there. Totally fuct. Women and kids and other civillians getting slaughtered on a daily basis on every side, and its gone on since the beginning of time. The horrors of life in iraq and syria and lebanon and now gaza and even libya again at the moment, are something Id never want to have to live with. Just generation after generation of hatred, breeding cycles of mental illness and extremism. Imagine all those kids getting bombed now in gaza, who have lost family members. They wont grow up to be fans of israel! Plus all the PTSD etc.... Its just never ending.

    This video is a pretty amazing illustration of life as theyve known it...
    Last edited by hainzy; 29-07-2014 at 09:38 PM.

  7. #7
    Night Rider Valencia's Avatar
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    Time they bloody woke up and get civilised and stop bombing innocent people ffs

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Taily's Avatar
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    The region is a classic case of why others should never become involved or take sides in others squabbles. The single minded obsession of those involved that the other side is "dead wrong" and need to pay for the sake of their religious persuasion is a sticky mess that will always simmer away, boiling over (like now) every now and again.

    Reading that article that Gaddy linked to (which is interesting for both what it glosses over and deliberately neglects to mention) can be summed-up in a few words: Blame, blame, blame, blame, blame, blame...

    Conversly, articles that I have seen from the other side of the fence: Blame, blame, blame, blame, blame, blame...

    Both sides need to man-up, suck it up and get it resolved - but they never will as their respective demands are the same, yet positions diametrically opposed, however similar or however parallel their religions are in content and applicability. They'll never get on together ever, in much the way hainzy's vid link shows. Funnily enough, if all the people were pulled out of the region and the place nuked back into black glassy plains then watch how quickly they would get over their differences and united, come after whoever destroyed their "Holy Land".

    The LON/UN should have been hung, drawn and quartered for ever considering the issuance of a "homeland" based upon religious belief without really weighing-up what mess they were actually going to create. It has been going on so long now that nobody knows who or what is right anymore.
    Nunc est bibendum...

  9. #9
    Cruiser jason.ruff's Avatar
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    Yes the colonial masters of the past and present have a lot to answer for. Making decisions for the good of the world? Or just their own agenda! Thats not to say things would be any better the way they were, this hatred has been around for millennia. And why are they called Arabs, there must be hundreds of different clans and sects that absolutely hate each other, Like in India and associated countries.

  10. #10
    Administrator HZSM50's Avatar
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    All I can say is! John Lennon's Imagine! Oh how I yearn for the wise words. 61E120BC-94B7-44F5-A1BB-32E2501CD899_zpslv8goxpe.jpg

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