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Thread: Is there a likely solution?

  1. #11
    Sandman Driver
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaddy View Post
    So with the Middle East in almost complete civil war with itself I asked my self How can this be solved?

    After trawling the webs for some history on it I came across this easy to follow article!

    They are all doomed it seems!!

    I ask myself if I am stupid enough to enter this topic, quietly, maybe, but only quietly, still, it seems I am. Just to say (very politely), that the article given is one of surely trillions written over the years. There are many ideals, and versions of history given from varying interested sides or movements. As I understand it, The "Hamas" organisation only fairly recently gained a majority vote in Palestine. It's not so long since the recognised Palestinian Authority was the PLO, (Yassir Arriffat) but though he was not without diplomatic skills, still this soul drenching war goes on. I note, the mentioned article does not draw the readers understanding to easily float beyond the current administration of the "Hamas" group. I wonder why, and would question that (from a distance).
    It is certainly the saddest situation in world history in my lifetime, and has been going on for as long as I can remember, all my life indeed at 44 years and like I am sure so many around the world feel , it's just debilitating to watch. My thoughts and feelings are for the mothers and fathers and families and friends of those who have been killed.
    Perhaps its not the best topic for this site, but it does allow some reflection, thanks Gaddy for posting, peace.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Eastwood, NSW
    I think that there are many faults on both sides, but there is one inescapable truth, the arabs (most of them anyway) want the destruction of Israel at any cost.

    Rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel for several years now, for no legitimate reason & the Jews have had enough. They are returning fire & quite aggressively too.

    If Hamas stopped firing rockets there would be no conflict. If the Jews stopped firing rockets, it would continue until every Jew was dead.

    There is no solution, very sad.

    Dr Terry

  3. #13
    They have been fighting for years,It will never stop until the last is gone.
    Who cars??

    It is not about the journey,It is the style we travel in!

  4. #14
    Sandman Guru
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    Jul 2010
    I know it is religion, pride, economics and fanatasicm involved amongst other stuff. What I really don't get (and i'll probably never get) is the Jewish faith, and the Muslim faith both stem from the same person - Abraham. The Jewish faith tracks back to his "legitimate" (I use the term only in sense of marriage) son whereas the Muslim faith goes back to his "illegitimate" son (as in not the son of his wife as far as I understand). Whilst there must be reasons for the infighting I really don't get what it is all about in the end and I suppose i'm not meant to.

    I guess it is no different to the Catholic faith versus the Church of England faith. They were the same thing, but Henry the VIII wanted a divorce and the church wouldn't grant it so he started his own religion. The ensuing wars fought and the people slain and the awful stuff that occurred around the same time (Inquisitions) especially during Elizabeth's reign are dreadful when you read it (both on behalf of the Spanish and the English).

    I guess we also have to remember the Islam faith as we know it are a young-ish faith compared to the Catholic church, just look at what the Catholic church were doing to "heretics", "pagans" and "wayward christians" when their faith was roughly the same age (just a bit younger) as Islam is today. The 1100-1300 period of crusades was a bloodbath, probably not that dissimilar to what would happen if the sects of Islam all united today and started taking on the rest of the world.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by HK1837 View Post
    I know it is religion, pride, economics and fanatasicm involved amongst other stuff. What I really don't get (and i'll probably never get) is the Jewish faith, and the Muslim faith both stem from the same person - Abraham. The Jewish faith tracks back to his "legitimate" (I use the term only in sense of marriage) son whereas the Muslim faith goes back to his "illegitimate" son (as in not the son of his wife as far as I understand). Whilst there must be reasons for the infighting I really don't get what it is all about in the end and I suppose i'm not meant to.

    I guess it is no different to the Catholic faith versus the Church of England faith. They were the same thing, but Henry the VIII wanted a divorce and the church wouldn't grant it so he started his own religion. The ensuing wars fought and the people slain and the awful stuff that occurred around the same time (Inquisitions) especially during Elizabeth's reign are dreadful when you read it (both on behalf of the Spanish and the English).

    I guess we also have to remember the Islam faith as we know it are a young-ish faith compared to the Catholic church, just look at what the Catholic church were doing to "heretics", "pagans" and "wayward christians" when their faith was roughly the same age (just a bit younger) as Islam is today. The 1100-1300 period of crusades was a bloodbath, probably not that dissimilar to what would happen if the sects of Islam all united today and started taking on the rest of the world.
    Islam 610 AD, Catholic official religion of the Roman empire 380 AD, a mere 230 years difference, Christianity is obviously 580 year difference.

    "I guess we also have to remember the Islam faith as we know it are a young-ish faith compared to the Catholic church, just look at what the Catholic church were doing to "heretics", "pagans" and "wayward christians" when their faith was roughly the same age (just a bit younger) as Islam is today.".... I think your referring to the Spanish Inquisition 1478 AD, but if you were to talk about the same age as the catholic church is now so that would make it the 1800's, Islam was actually in decline with no terror program equal to the catholic church and, if we want to go back another 400 years to equal the same age as Christianity it was the beginning of the decline.

    Some historians see the Crusades as part of a purely defensive war against the expansion of Islam, went for 200 years to make Jerusalem a purely Christian city state, once again making Judeo - Christianity religions the aggressor.

    I wonder what the prophets of both sides would make of our Sandmans?

  6. #16
    Sandman Driver davegmh's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    I thought this thread was a yes or no question .
    Disclaimer: I am not an expert.

  7. #17
    Night Rider Valencia's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    Wow this is getting deep now personally i think its time the whole world stop believing in 2000 year old fables
    but thats just my opinion

  8. #18
    Sandman Driver davegmh's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    It's called jargon
    Disclaimer: I am not an expert.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by HK1837 View Post
    I guess it is no different to the Catholic faith versus the Church of England faith. They were the same thing, but Henry the VIII wanted a divorce and the church wouldn't grant it so he started his own religion. The ensuing wars fought and the people slain and the awful stuff that occurred around the same time (Inquisitions) especially during Elizabeth's reign are dreadful when you read it (both on behalf of the Spanish and the English).
    Very much simplified: but it was still happening not that long ago with "The Troubles" in Northern Ireland. Catholics vs Protestants.

    A lot of the wars fought on the basis of religion have two very fundamental motives at the core. Land and Money (tithes.) As long as the human race in general covets what is not theirs, these wars will still go on. Can we fix it? Probably not. Envy, greed and hatred are extremely motivational emotions.

    Where does the answer lie? I wish I knew. I could say something about rational grown men and women fighting over some imaginary friends in the sky, but as history has shown us time and time again, there is nothing rational about religion. L Ron Hubbard anyone?

  10. #20
    Sandman Driver Gaddy's Avatar
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    Illawarra area
    All good points and great discussions are. Happening. But when I see a father or grandfather holding up a baby girl,with no head I wonder if anyone cares anymore!!

    The US wants a humanitarian cease fire, but at the same time supplies Israel with more weapons to fight Hamas!

    Are Hamas weak ?

    Do they REALLY care about their people??

    Or are they all fighting for the sake of fighting as it's all they know??

    Could it all end tomorrow?

    If they all put their weapons down and said FUCK THIS!! Would that end it??


    It worked in Germany but May never work in Korea or the Middle East.

    It's been going on for centuries in lots of cultures around this globe we call home and I am starting to worry that it has no end and is spreading around the globe freely!!

    Feeling a lil perplexed by it all!!

    As in "what can I do"???

    Not sure ATM!!


    Peace and Sandmans to all!!!!

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