Well, its been slow going at Club Damo, as the Melbourne winter was fairly horrific this year. Good news is, I've just come out of hibernating and after pulling my head out of my arse the other week, thought I'd better get this chassis sorted. First jobs first, I need to sort out my engine bolt on bits that started last summer. After some soul searching, i had to agree with Vombil's earlier suggestion of using VN - VT bits to tuck everything away. So after scouring wreckers for days, i struck a gold mine at Ozwreck and have raided their old hidden parts shelf for VN - VT brackets and pulley assemblies. Got things sorted over the weekend and very happy with the result. The A/C tucks under really well and it just looks way better to my eye. Just need to finalise the alternator setup and then its off to powder coating with everything....I'm sick of looking at rusty bits!! Also, for those that are observant, yes the power steering box doesn't fit any more so i have to convert to rack and pinion steering to run this setup. Ah well, off to Castlemaine Rod Shop i guess........