Of recent times been looking around at house designs. Think I've finally found what I've needed all these years...
Whadderya think?
Of recent times been looking around at house designs. Think I've finally found what I've needed all these years...
Whadderya think?
Nunc est bibendum...
Hmmmmm, not bad Taily, the only change I would throw in, is that you move the kitchen sink to the bathroom wall so you dont have your back to your garage area. But that all depends on who does the dishes I suppose!
Very impressive. A good deal off thought has been put into the enviromentle aspects. Laundry's are polluting and who needs em. May I use this plan Dave, or do you have a copywrite?
Man... Whois your designer..... Please take the wall off the front of the kitchen.... It will give the whole house a more open plan feel.....
Wow that is like your place Dave!!!
I think I'll sue. LOL
Disclaimer: I am not an expert.
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