Last day at work tomorrow as the key's to the shop are handed back on Friday. Very sad to see it closed down after 30 years in business and a place of employment for the last 9 years. Like so many other small smash repair shops failing due to the insurance companies harsh policies and tight fisted money grubbing way's, was always going to be on the card's. I'll now have to find a shop that can paint my van and Javelin without charging like a wounded bull and do a good job. None of these smash 'em through large national repair shops have the time to properly block, sand and prep for a good job. Even the smaller shops are getting hard to get into as there isn't that much money to be made on a long term project, and unless you are there all the time things just seem to go missing. On the bright side I did manage to score some new tools for the shed that will make future work on my cars a lot easier.
I think we are going to have a bbq and get on the piss fairly early tomorrow.