Quote Originally Posted by Calbert View Post
Just to chime in, I have been trying to get started on a "car club" for a little while now (Vic) and have been getting the run around by Vic roads they only give me an email address that doesn't respond to me, Google don't help much either.. It's a bit like,You need this before you can do that, but you can't do that untill you have this
The only bloke I know personally that is a member of a Club tells me the club officials keep there cards close to there chest :( But one thing he assures me is that the 90 day thing is either 1x90 or 2x45 days "straight" meaning Not 90 selected days. hope i'm wrong but i are saying if you started 90 days from Jan 1st it would be done and dusted on March 31st and not eligible to re-new until the next calender year.
If any one can put me on the right track to starting a Vic Car club I would be very greatfull
There doesn't appear to be any info about how to be accepted on the approved VicRoads club list... I do know bloke in VicRoads, I'll ask.

It's definitely not 45/90 'straight' days. It's 45/90 days over the year of the permit.