Quote Originally Posted by wbute View Post
HZ commercials ran into early 1980. I reckon by 1978 the fad for surfie vans was dead. Plus the extra bold stripes probably had become a bit tacky.

I also think the round headlights were starting to date the cars badly. All the modern cars were using rectangular shaped lights. Probably why the WB remained popular long after HQ-HZ had become rather uncool.
Remember WA was supposed to be released circa 1974/5, and it looked exactly like a WB in frontal treatment. It was delayed hence why HX and HZ were released and then canned to be replaced by the commercial and Statesman only WB. UC and Commodore styling basically followed WA's lead. The WA Kingswood that is in I think Birdwood, you can see it is basically a WB front as we know it on a HJ Statesman body. It will be built in the earlier 70's. One day i'll convince them to let me open the bonnet.