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Thread: evilBay

  1. #1
    Leadfoot HZSanFan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Broken Hill

    Angry evilBay

    I have sourced and sold a lot of my parts on eBay but I would like to know the opinion of members of thievilBay's decision to adjust the final value fees being charged on the total cost of a sale, i.e. the sale price + postage cost. They try to justify it by saying that almost 60% of sales include free postage in their sale. I, for the life of me, can't see this as anything but a money grabbing exercise and will mean seller increasing their prices to re coup the added cost. I am sure that part of their 60% free post advertisers would include the "Local Pick Up Only" Sellers. I for one will review using eBay and try other on line avenues to buy and sell items. What do you think?
    HZ Persian Sand Mk2 Sandman (under full restoration)
    HX Chamois Monaro GTS

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Taily's Avatar
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    NW Sydney
    I just got that email too, guess I'm back to lugging all my stuff off to swap meets again...
    Nunc est bibendum...

  3. #3
    Night Rider Innuendo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Yeah I read the same newsletter, it's a money grabbing rort. Why ebay thinks they can legally take a cut of the postage fee it a joke! They crap on about free postage as if it's FREE. Of course in the end somebody is always paying, it's either the seller or the buyer. The problem is people don't leave ebay in numbers to make it count. If you do leave you have to find an alternative. That pretty much leaves Quicksales or eBid and the customers just aren't there. If you find a successful alternative let me know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    There is that much rubbish new stuff on there now that I can't be bothered with it. Plus I am sick of the auction format. Much rather gumtree because the sale price is there for all to see. Plus I have sold everything I have listed on it unlike eBay. No doubt they will stuff it too.

  5. #5
    Moderator Alien DNA's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Yep got the same email. Greed....the more money you have...the more money you want.

  6. #6
    Leadfoot Kyuss's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Unfortunately eBay reaches far more potential buyers than any other option. Having said that I've had reasonable success buying and selling on various Facebook groups dedicated to HQ-WB or chrome bumper only cars etc.

  7. #7
    Agree WB.
    The only problem with gum tree is there is no loyalty anymore with sellers! I have been burnt with some really good items on there only to find that Johnny on the spot has rocked up with cash and bought the Item I said I would buy. No body trusts anyone anymore! With the Evilbay you at least have the Item if you win it but there are that many people selling absolute sh#t on there its not worth the look anymore and selling has turned into a joke. Swap meets you cant beat, cash in pocket,spot item,haggle a bit and done! At least the Items you get at swap meets you get to have a chat with the seller.

  8. #8
    Leadfoot HZSanFan's Avatar
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    Broken Hill
    Quote Originally Posted by wbute View Post
    There is that much rubbish new stuff on there now that I can't be bothered with it. Plus I am sick of the auction format. Much rather gumtree because the sale price is there for all to see. Plus I have sold everything I have listed on it unlike eBay. No doubt they will stuff it too.
    I have only just started with Gumtree but I am going to give it a go, seems a good alternative at the moment!
    HZ Persian Sand Mk2 Sandman (under full restoration)
    HX Chamois Monaro GTS

  9. #9
    It's a rockin' playwme's Avatar
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    The problem was that people were selling a $100 item for $1 and charging $99 for shipping. You can only blame your fellow users.
    eBay is a business, they're in it to make money. You can choose what you want to buy so if it's too expensive, don't buy it.

  10. #10
    As gumtree is owned by eBay im sure they will find a way to get us there as we move to change the way we buy and sell.

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