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Thread: Losers!!!!

  1. #21
    Super Moderator Taily's Avatar
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    NW Sydney
    Quote Originally Posted by playwme View Post
    In saying that, buyers today are lazy s@&ts. They expect Rolls Royces for Commodore money and don't want to put in the effort. People are always confused about how I find so many automotive bargains. It's because I'm constantly looking, watching, and asking. I call as soon as I spot the ad and turn up with cash and truck. I'm prepared for the sh$tty ad and go look anyway. Sometimes it's a diamond in the rough or the seller has undersold the hell out of it. If you know what you're looking for and prepared to be flexible then you can come home with all sorts of stuff.
    Yeah, that is the other side of the coin, along with drongoes who bid on something, win it, don't bother paying for it and are never heard of again. People are not always prepared to put the effort in that you do, I think it says something more about them rather than you... You nailed it.

    Years ago (mid 80's) I bought and sold my way up from a pretty shagged out $400 running R100 to a really nice 351 XY shaker clone by buying at the right price, fixing/tidying up and selling for what they were worth. Not once did I lose dosh but I probably should have had a traders licence to do the ~dozen cars it took over the couple of years to achieve.
    Last edited by Taily; 25-04-2014 at 10:21 PM.
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