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Thread: Serious bidding on a set of HX Sandman ID tags

  1. #1
    Sandman Guru
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Serious bidding on a set of HX Sandman ID tags

    Stupid people (in my opinion). I can't see how these are worth $2500+. Bidding looks odd too, but I didn't look closely enough to work it out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Dummy bids.

  3. #3
    Leadfoot Calum's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Yea and what about the chassis and body that 'should' go with the tag's

  4. #4
    Forum Mum jennie285's Avatar
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    Apr 2010
    Parkes Central West NSW
    I feel as though we have seen these on eBay, before then after we all discussed them, they were pulled off. Ridiculous you can nearly get a whole van for that the and i feel te only reason he has bothered to put them up is they have xx7 on the tag so he thinks they are valuable
    HZ Jasmine Yellow Windowless Sandman, now being driven everywhere and is finished!
    HZ Madeira Red Windowless sandman now Sold to Bigrob
    HX Mandarin Red Sandman Ute finished, and club registered
    1979 HZ malachite windowless van with 308 5spd, all chromed up and shiny finished and named "The Player"
    Married to RodneyHZ253

  5. #5
    Sandman Guru
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    Jul 2010
    They have been around before, I just spotted them again.

  6. #6
    Night Rider Innuendo's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by HK1837 View Post
    Stupid people (in my opinion).
    My opinion also.

  7. #7
    Cruiser buck's Avatar
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    albury / wodonga
    now that HK has the numbers, let just say i dont think anyone will be fooled in the future if they do end up on a van.
    Driver -1981 WB kingswood 253 4 speed
    Weekend- AC Cobra replica 302ho(425hp) 4 speed toploader
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    never late in a 5.0 litre

  8. #8
    It's a rockin' mauser's Avatar
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    I think its the Torana guys who have a thread with the numbers of tags minus car that show up. Easy search on the numbers shows when they were for sale.

    “485650 HQ's cant be wrong...”
    “You don’t drive a Kingswood, you make love to it. That’s why nuns only drive Toranas.” - Ted Bullpitt

  9. #9
    Sandman Guru
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    Jul 2010
    I have the numbers but I don't keep records of where they came from.

  10. #10
    Forum Mum jennie285's Avatar
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    Parkes Central West NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by HK1837 View Post
    I have the numbers but I don't keep records of where they came from.
    Perhaps Byron when tags come up like this and you record them you could have a column in your data base which has the heading tags only so when they re appear on a van they can be noted as suspect. It annoys me that rebirthing can happen and I don't mean re bodying I mean stamping new numbers on a chassis. I was witness to this being done on a ute behind a motor trimmers, and I wanted to have a go at them but they looked serious, I asked a few questions and got strange answers, and I didn't want to end up with concrete on my feet and in the bottom of George's river.
    HZ Jasmine Yellow Windowless Sandman, now being driven everywhere and is finished!
    HZ Madeira Red Windowless sandman now Sold to Bigrob
    HX Mandarin Red Sandman Ute finished, and club registered
    1979 HZ malachite windowless van with 308 5spd, all chromed up and shiny finished and named "The Player"
    Married to RodneyHZ253

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