I have got my van registered and back on the road but have a gremlin to sort out, the van has been roadworthy for about 5-6 weeks and would sometimes stall when hot but fire straight back up two weeks ago whilst out cruising it stalled whilst turning into a driveway but again fired up about 20 minutes later I pulled up to adjust my seat and when I went to go again I stalled it and then its wouldn't start. The fuel filter was empty so I poured a bit of fuel down the Rochester and it fired back up, I then drove into town and when coming around a dipping corner it again stalled and wouldn't start had to get someone come with some fuel and again poured some down carbie and fired up fuel filter also showing empty. I then purchased a new fuel pump even though it had a new one initially just to eliminate. Today I took it for a run and decided to deliberately stall it and see what happened and again wouldn't start. Went through same process putting down carbie and eventually fired and turning a left dipping corner slowly it cut out but fired again. When its stalled and wont start the carbie is still pumping fuel into the barrels , the carbie is a fully recod one from Hume Performance so the question beckons has anyone experienced this or have any suggestions as to what the problem maybe?? thanks in advance. I have also checked the filter in the carbie which was fine.