Well, time to scavenge a replacement A-pillar. After a quick outing to the local wrecking yard, I was fortunate enough to locate a potential donor. So far, so good. The donor car appears to be in excellent condition, and has been well maintained by its former owner. Now, this could be a point of concern. Why you ask? Well, I am not a rocket scientologist, however I have seen enough medical shows on the idiot box to know that when performing transplants, there is an associated risk of the donor material being rejected by the host if they are not compatible. Considering the condition of the donor car, it would be reasonable to assume that this may in fact have been a Nan and Pop’s car, used only for Sunday drives, accustomed to easy listening and never been within 20 km/hr of the designated speed limit. If this is the case, the Evil HX will surely sense it, and rejection post transplant will be imminent. To bring the donor A-pillar to the dark side, I will place it on a 6-pack of Bundaberg rum and subject it to several hours of continuous heavy metal music at maximum volume. This will harden its softness at the molecular level, ensuring a successful transplant. The method may be crude, but you cannot argue the science folks.
The donor patient.
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As the wrecker has no interest in turning their yard into a mass inferno, they have a no sparks policy for removing parts. Smart for them, a pain for me. As the trusty angle grinder must stay at home, I have to find another means of parting the metal. I have adapted a method based largely on the join the dots principle often found in children’s books. By drilling exactly a gajillion holes around the floor pan, inner sill and outer sill, I can break the metal between the holes with a hammer and chisel. Childs play right? After a good two and a half hours the game was over and the part in hand. If you look close enough you could probably count all of the gajillion holes, though I suspect you would die of boredom half way through.
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The A-pillar after a clean-up, trim and conversion, looking more evil already.
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