Hi I'm I've been researching a panel van that has been in my family for the last 15 years and now I own I've been to a lot of different stories on how to tell if its a real sandman but I'm still none the wiser just confused it doesn't have xx7 or xu3 on the tags but is a factory v8 2 seater with gts options it has a full roof lining with the factory hooks at the back where the hood lining attaches to has arm rest on the doors which I've been told is only in sandmans. I no it was built I'm Melbourne and I've been told they didn't make them there? I d also been told its an ambulance pack which I have no idea what that means its a 253 with a 4 speed on the floor the tyre plaquard says it has 14 inch wheels
Model: HJ8WM70
Body: 181833-A no idea what this means
Trim: 1898-19V
Paint: 567-15944 deville blue
L32. M20. GU4
GVM: 1950kg
Seats: 2. 3/76
And chasis matches any help would b really appreciated so I can once and for all no if its the real deal or not