In the past week many people have found that is unavailable, as the administrator and creator of the site I find this totally unacceptable.

The timing varies from a few minutes to an hour and happens without warning and prevent people from accessing the site.

The issue is not with the forums or traffic to the site but simply the company that hosts the web server has dropped the ball in service to its paying customers. Therefore I am forced to move to another hosting company that can provide the stable service expected from their customers.

I appreciate that many of you need your daily fix of and I can only ask you continue to be patient as I start the move to another host over the next few weeks.
There will be service interruptions during this time, and those interruptions that relate to the move will be posted in advance so you know what is happening.

If you are a facebook user but not 'Liked' on facebook, please do so and we can keep you up to date through the migration of the server.
