Quote Originally Posted by Alien DNA View Post
Cheers innuendo... Appreciate it. Although they look slightly grainy now. I remember the last batch of sh!tty pics you complimented me on, you said the ISO was to high.....that was set at 800, so I changed the setting to 400 and that's the lowest the camera would let me go. I'll get the mrs to tweak a few on photoshop and see if that makes a difference.
Bloody camera....always the race car...never the driver
Yeah you will get grain/noise trying to pull out details in an underexposed image. Also I'm working from compressed .jpg's and then compressing them again.
If I had the originals, better results could be had. If they were shot in RAW format - even more so.
What camera is it again? These images look like they were shot with a small aperture. Do you remember the camera settings?