Thankyou so much for your time to look into it and explain.
At the end of the day I am still none the wiser. Guess I can honestly say to my knowledge it is a genuine Sandman!! ( or appears to be) without being 100% I cant believe how difficult it is to find info, Is there any way I can track previous owners?
The prevoius owner had told me he met the origional 1st buyer who confirmed it was a Sandman he said he bought it up in Brisbane, which would seem weird if there is a factory up there to be an Adelaide build? would it not??
is there any one in Tassie who may be able to assit me to with the vrification of the console bracket?
GMH said it was a belmont/build body from the plates and that was the only Authnticity they could give me unless it had the XX7 or Xu3 stamp then they would still not give actual authenticity, but rather a letter saying these numbers correspond with the Sandman theyalso said that holden didnt actually decide which vans would be sandmans, that that was up to the dealers.
Who ever knew it could be so hard
The belmont thing is confusing too. Do we all own HJ belmont Sandies???? LOL Jeesh! I just thought they were HJ's blonde I know,....... I can hear you men all laughing now.