O.K. I bought my van, limited time didn't check plates.
The guy assures me she is genuine I trust his word. at the time I felt it didnt matter genuine or not I was in love.... however now I just want to clarify, I hate the thought of telling people she is if in fact she isnt :-( and more especially for insurance purposes.

I contacted GMH, to check and all they can Authenticate is that she is a genuine Belmont body/build LOL and tell me to look for the three XX7, XU3 or XY5 (the latter I have yet to see mentioned in these forums) on my plate and if I have any of those I can be sure!! LOL
OH dear devestation.... none of those

After reading the forums I am soo confused. If I understand corectly the compliance plates were only stamped with these codes at the Brisbane factory? And if some are made with out the stamping why cant the holden hotline tell me that?

So my question, Is it possible my girl is actually Genuine without that stamping?
I really hope you guys can help clear my total confusion.

Will include plates now and any further info/pics required

Thanks in advance
