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Thread: We are Closing Down

  1. #1
    Night Rider Blocker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Behind the keyboard.

    We are Closing Down

    the Shed sections.

    After a number of weeks of looking at the Sheds, the activity and use it is time to close it down, but not without giving something back!

    I will move them to the Garage sections so you can still upload and show off your build progress or anything else you want to tell the world about and people can still visit and point out that all your hard work has been wrong, or really good

    In the meantime the Sheds are still there, but I will migrate them over to the new sections as you read this.

    Crap this is going to be harder than expected!
    Last edited by Blocker; 26-08-2012 at 08:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Thanks Blocker, will be good to have everything under the one location.

  3. #3
    Night Rider Blocker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Behind the keyboard.
    This has been done, Shed blogs have been closed and all members that had posts in that section have been moved to their respective 'Showroom' by model.

    Please keep your threads updated with your progress, we love to see and read what you have been up to and even the latest tricks you have discovered to help others in their journey.

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