Hi guys and girls, i'm a new member to this forum so just introducing myself.

My name's Dan i live in Adelaide, don't own a pano just yet but have been actively searching for about six month's now with several failed attempts at buying a couple and thought this was prob the perfect place to ask.

Im after an HJ/HZ/HX preferably in Adelaide but will consider interstate if i have too, in drivable condition as i plan to use it for daily duties. Not to fussed by driveline specs but as my budget is 3 grand i'm looking at mostly six's, body wise as long as it not too rusted ie wont attract the wrong attention from the po-po im ok with as im a panel beater/painter so will be doing all the work myself.

So if anyone has or knows of one for sale im keen to get one real soon and am looking forward to becoming part of the vanning community!!!

Cheers Dan.