We participated in the biannual cobar to Louth and back, ferguson run over the long weekend. Rodney went with his father and brothers with his dads fergie, this time it was pretty much the whole family, Adam and family (our friend who is also our panel beater) plus three fergies. Great fun camping, drinking and relaxing. I was a bit of a hog with the fergie as I loved putting along in the sun. Although the road was so rough going out, I almost fell out.
loaded fergies
Rodney is in the Acubra on the left
The bridge over the river Darling which we also caught a feed of yabbys that day
Outside Shindy's inn
My next project is too do one like this
Even some of the local kids got involved
And all Rodney's dad's efforts painting up his fergie we took out a prize for the most original and rusty fergie. He was not impressed Lol. Hope we never get a prize for rustiest sandman. Lol.
Rodney's dad with his fully restored fergie And his three brothers