Hi im looking at 1975 HJ Panelvan, its either a sandman or a very nicely optioned Panelvan
It has
GTS guards,dash and steering wheel. Has the rear hoodlining clips,console bracket, roof rack slats and door jam switches.
The I.D Plate : Model HJ8WM70
Body 159601 A
Trim 2214- 60V
Paint 568 - 15991
L31 M41 GU7
Complience Plate: 8/75 BHJ 30498S
GVW 2200 Seating 2
Body I.D Plate : 8M70TEH861500J
So originally it would have been Tuxedo Black paint,chamois interior,308 ,Turbo 400, LSD
Is this a Genuine Sandman if someone could help