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Thread: Body work Sydney / Newcastle

  1. #1
    Learner Driver Gee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Body work Sydney / Newcastle

    Bit of a disheartening week just gone, took the ute into a couple of panel beaters for quotes and they weren’t interested in taking the work.

    Both happy to do the small rust repairs in the doors, but baulked at doing front floor pans or the rear of the cab which I’d like to have replaced. I can understand that last job, but I thought floor pans would be a reasonable job to take on? Having said that, I’m no expert and it’s their business of course.

    Anyone in Sydney / Newcastle used a shop that will? Anyone done these jobs and have a rough price guide?


  2. #2
    Forum Mum jennie285's Avatar
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    We too found that panel shops mostly only want to do minor rust, and really only want to do modern cars which you buy panels and bolt them on, they will however paint our vans once they are hard coat undercoated and blocked etc.....we had a friend who is a brilliant panel beater, but that isn't his trade...good luck finding someone who will do work for you...if you wanted to go west, I have heard of somebody in Cowra who may do old school panel beating, but haven't used them nor know anyone who has, I just read an advert. in a local newsapaper suppliment.
    cheers Jennie
    HZ Jasmine Yellow Windowless Sandman, now being driven everywhere and is finished!
    HZ Madeira Red Windowless sandman now Sold to Bigrob
    HX Mandarin Red Sandman Ute finished, and club registered
    1979 HZ malachite windowless van with 308 5spd, all chromed up and shiny finished and named "The Player"
    Married to RodneyHZ253

  3. #3
    Sandman Guru
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    Jul 2010
    Give Jason at Kel Whittaker smash in Cardiff a call. I can't vouch for their work but they do, do old school panel beating.

  4. #4
    It's a rockin' agr071's Avatar
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    Macksville area
    I didn't think Jason did too much of that work.
    BO6 = Rarer then a Sandman

  5. #5
    Night Rider Vombil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gee View Post
    Bit of a disheartening week just gone, took the ute into a couple of panel beaters for quotes and they weren’t interested in taking the work.

    Both happy to do the small rust repairs in the doors, but baulked at doing front floor pans or the rear of the cab which I’d like to have replaced. I can understand that last job, but I thought floor pans would be a reasonable job to take on? Having said that, I’m no expert and it’s their business of course.

    Anyone in Sydney / Newcastle used a shop that will? Anyone done these jobs and have a rough price guide?


    In the past id been quoted $300 per pan (not inc the rares pan) in the past if that helps. they are a pretty big job especially if they do R & R. those buckets are a biatch to get in an out.

    The rear cab section looks like a monster job but then again ive not seen one done.. just one removed and it looks ugly

  6. #6
    Learner Driver Gee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Thanks for the input everyone, hopefully someone has a contact out there.

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