Hey Guys & Girls, just wanted to gauge the amount of interest out there for a overnight stay up at Bathurst next year. As one of only two van enthusiasts from NSW to have subjective themselves to the "torture" of co-ordinating a Van Nats twice (some people never learn), I need to head up that way before flying over to WA for the 2012 Van Nats south of Perth. There is a small possibility that the event could be staged at Bathurst in the future.

My philosphy on vanning is to get as many vans in one place, at the one time, at least once a year. That is why you will always find me at the Van Nats every year - with or without a van. Maybe its time for that philosphy to be applied at the state level.

After being around vanning for many years, I used to think I knew what most van enthusiasts wanted. However, now I am not so sure.

Appreciate your thoughts.