The fuel tank in my WB has been sitting for roughly 12yrs, there would be some crap settled in the bottom of the tank.

The previous owner removed the rubber fuel line, and did not plug up the metal line. So now there is a little wasps nest in the end of it... I'm going to get rid of the wasps nest, and hopefully use the fuel tank.

I was thinking of running 2 plastic fuel filters, and then there is a filter just as the fuel goes into the carby. This is to prevent the crap getting through to the carby...

Now my questions are, Do you think that would be enough to protect the engine??? and just change the filters sooner than the service manual says... and is there any other way that you would recmmend to fix the problem (without the removal of the fuel tank)???

Also, any ideas on how to unlock a lockable fuel cap (without keys... and without breaking it..)???

Ohh, and I don't really want to remove the fuel tank... as that is a pretty big job...